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ReportsnReports.com adds "Market Research Report on Global and Chinese Calcium carbonate Industry, 2009-2019" to its library that estimates 2014-2019 market development of Calcium carbonate Industry.
This is a professional and in-depth market survey on Global and Chinese Calcium carbonate industry. The report firstly reviews the basic information of Calcium carbonate including its classification, application and manufacturing technology. The report then explores global and China's top manufacturers of Calcium carbonate listing their product specification, capacity, Production value, and market share etc. The report further analyzes quantitatively 2009-2014 global and China's total market of Calcium carbonate by calculation of main economic parameters of each company. Complete research is available at http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/277624-market-research-report-on-global-and-chinese-calcium-carbonate-industry-2009-2019.html
The breakdown data of Calcium carbonate market are presented by company, by country, and by application. The report also estimates 2014-2019 market development of Calcium carbonate Industry. The report then analyzes the upstream raw materials, downstream clients, and current market dynamics of Calcium carbonate Industry. In the end, the report makes some proposals for a new project of Calcium carbonate Industry and a new project of Calcium carbonate Industry before evaluating its feasibility. Overall, the report provides an in-depth insight of 2009-2014 global and China Calcium carbonate industry covering all important parameters.
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Key Calcium Carbonate Manufacturers in China : Guilin Jinshan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, Changzhou Calcium Carbonate Company, Fujian Dongnan New Material Co., Ltd, Guangxi Hezhou Kelong Micro-Powder Co., Ltd, Jiangxi Guangyuan Chemicals Co., Ltd.
At present, there are about 400 light calcium carbonate manufacturers, taking the small and medium-sized enterprises as primary, the manufacturers with annual output exceeding 300,000 t are less than 5%, the number of manufacturers with output exceeding 100,000 t are less than 60, the outputs of the rest of over 300 manufacturers are only 10,000-15,000 t separately. Seeing from the supply structure of light calcium carbonate, the output of micro-powder calcium and particle calcium accounts for about 70% of total output, active calcium accounts for 12%, and superfine calcium and Nanometer Calcium accounts for 18%
As of 2013, China's output of calcium carbonate had reached 23 million t and had become the largest calcium carbonate manufacturer in global. In 2013, the outputs of light calcium carbonate and heavy calcium carbonate were 10.5 million t and 12.5 million t respectively. In recent five years, the annual average growth rate of calcium carbonate industry was about 13%, which met the demand for calcium carbonate by national economy development.
In 2013, the consumption of calcium carbonate stood at 22.9 million t in China , in which, the consumption in machine-made paper and paper board industry accounted for 36% of total consumption of calcium carbonate, plastic product industry accounted for 31%, coating industry accounted for 14%, and rubber product industry accounted for 5%. In recent years, these industries keep fast growth, which also drives the development of calcium carbonate industry.
As for the calcium carbonate products in China , in respect of total output, the supply meets demand basically, while in respect of product structure, the supply of low and middle grade products exceeds demands, the high grade products are in short supply and needs import. In China , the fine grinding calcium carbonates (FGCC) used for paper-making and superfine active light calcium (nanometer calcium carbonate) mainly rely on import.
Major Points from Table of Contents
5. Development of Calcium Carbonate in Key Fields in China 5.1 Calcium Carbonate Industry Development in Guangxi 5.1.1 Hezhou: Cost CNY 100 billion to Build Production Base 5.1.2 Heshan: Cluster Effect of Calcium Carbonate Industry Is Forming 5.1.3 Laibin: Cost CNY 10 Billion to Build Production Base of Calcium Carbonate 5.2 Calcium Carbonate Industry Development in Guangdong 5.2.1 Lianzhou: Build 2000 mu of Production Base of Calcium Carbonate 5.2.2 Enping: "Production Base of Nanometer Calcium Carbonate" Is Enlarging Gradually 5.3 Heavy Calcium Carbonate Industry in Nanzhao, Henan 5.4 Environment Management of Calcium Carbonate Industry in Jingxing, Hebei 5.5 Cost CNY 10 billion to Build Production Base in Yongfeng, Jiangxi 5.6 Eliminate Backward Capacity and Build New-type Production Base of Calcium Carbonate in Jiangyou, Sichuan
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