Following are upcoming road construction projects announced by Monroe County Road Commission. All work is weather permitting:
South County Water System will install new water main under Samaria Road and the railroad tracks in Samaria. Samaria Road will be closed to through traffic. Signed detour will include Lewis Avenue, Erie Road and Secor Road. This is expected to last one week.
South County Water System will install new water main along Section Road between Whiteford Center Road and Secor Road. Section Road will be closed to through traffic. Signed detour will include Secor Road and Smith Roads.
Gerken Paving will cold mill the existing pavement surface in the Stoneybrook and Brookwood Forest subdivisions next week. During the latter part of the week, they will also perform aggregate base widening, base crushing, and shaping on Brentwood Lane between Stoneybrook Lane and Dean Road. This work is being performed to prepare the roads for resurfacing with hot mix asphalt. Traffic regulators will maintain one-lane, two-way traffic during the cold milling operation in the Stoneybrook subdivision, and Brentwood Lane will be closed to through traffic during the crushing and shaping work.
Smith’s Waterproofing will apply a high friction surface treatment on North Dixie Highway between Pheasant Lane and Armstrong Road. One-lane, two way traffic will be maintained with traffic regulators while work is performed.
Smith’s Waterproofing will apply a high-friction surface treatment on Newport South between Post Road and Swan Creek Road. One-lane, two way traffic will be maintained with traffic regulators while work is performed.
Miller Bros. Construction will continue work on the east half of the Summit Street bridge over Shantee Creek. Two-lane, two-way traffic will be maintained during construction utilizing a temporary paved lane and a lane shift.
Smith’s Waterproofing will apply a high-friction surface treatment on War Road between Post Roadand Buhl Road. One-lane, two way traffic will be maintained with traffic regulators while work is performed.
RAM Construction Services will apply a concrete surface coating on the bridge railings on the South Raisinville Road bridge over River Raisin. One-lane, two-way traffic will be maintained with traffic regulators while work is performed.
Gerken Paving is resurfacing Ida Center Road between Douglas Road and Lewis Avenue. Trafficregulators will maintain one-lane, two-way traffic during the hot mix asphalt resurfacing operation.
Gerken Paving will overlay Ida Center Road between Sylvania Petersburg Road and SummerfieldRoad next week. Traffic regulators will maintain one-lane, two-way traffic during the hot mix asphaltresurfacing operation.
South County Water System will install new water main along Whiteford Center Road between SmithRoad and Little Streams Trail. Whiteford Center Road will be closed to through traffic. Signed detour will include Secor and Sterns Road.