Gillette, Sheridan college boards approve next step in separation of district | Local News |

2022-08-20 05:55:33 By : Ms. Crystal Zhao

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Students walk across the Gillette College campus.

Students walk across the Gillette College campus.

 SHERIDAN — Northern Wyoming Community College District and Gillette College boards approved another step forward in the separation process during their respective meetings Wednesday.

The agreement — Exhibit B — outlines how property, both owned and leased by NWCCD, will transfer to the new college district.

Once the agreement is fully executed, it will remove NWCCD from all interests, operational obligations and ownership of property located in Campbell County. It does not include the transfer of assets and equipment found inside the facilities, which will be handled in another exhibit or as an addendum to Exhibit B.

“There are many properties in Gillette and there's lots of tentacles and lots of details that surround each of those properties,” NWCCD President Walt Tribley said Wednesday.

The agreement includes properties under lease or memorandums of understanding such as the rodeo team grazing land, West Sinclair median, Health Sciences Center, Old Main and the Technical Education Center. It also includes ownership of properties including the Gillette College Agricultural Complex, Pronghorn Center, Inspiration Hall/High Plains Grille, Tanner Village and all housing and food auxiliary balances.

In exchange for the transfer of ownership and other property agreements, the Gillette College Board of Trustees will pay $2,893.525 to NWCCD. According to Exhibit B, the amount does not include any payment for state of Wyoming funds that went toward capital projects at Gillette College. The payment will occur annually in three equal payments once the new college district receives accreditation.

Tribley noted the timing of the payments — aligned with the accreditation of Gillette College — will be a time Sheridan College is particularly vulnerable because it will no longer be receiving revenues from the Gillette school. NWCCD President Deb Wendtland also noted the payment amount is the amount the district is “entitled to for repayment based on what we invested as the Northern Wyoming Community College District.”

NWCCD ensured all ownership and lease agreements included in Exhibit B were reviewed by its legal counsel as well as NWCCD’s former chief financial officer, who is familiar with many of the ownership agreements.

Because agreements and ownership have included local government entities, the agreement will also have to be approved by the city of Gillette and Campbell County.

NWCCD’s special meeting Wednesday was announced via email shortly before 9:30 a.m., and was scheduled for 5:15 p.m. Wyoming State Statute requires at least eight hours of notice be provided for special meetings, but NWCCD officials said time was of the essence for approval of the agreement.

Representatives from both sides have been meeting for months to work through this and other issues arising from the separation of Gillette College from the NWCCD. 

“I received the response and agreement from the GCCD transition team late yesterday afternoon,” Tribley said after Wednesday’s meeting. “It was certainly not in time for our team to review it and add it to our regular meeting agenda last night. 

“The urgency of the special meeting has to do with allowing GCCD to move forward in conversations with their local partners — the City of Gillette and Campbell County — and our ability to quickly share with our Wyoming Community College Commission, who are gathering for their meeting next week.”

Earlier this year, NWCCD and GCCD signed an agreement outlining the transfer of personnel to the new college district. Prior to that, representatives from Gillette and Sheridan approved an outline of shared values to be considered during the separation process, a universal memorandum of understanding as well as an agreement to transfer funds and debt to GCCD.

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