Every year GOOD Morning Wilton publishes a Back to School guide with the typical information for the start of the academic year.
It’s been a few years since the start of school has felt “typical” so we’re sure everyone is looking forward to the 2022-23 school year. As Superintendent Kevin Smith said at the first Board of Education meeting of the year on Aug. 17, “We are going to have an absolutely amazing school year this year, you can mark my words.”
The district publishes Back to School information on its newly-revamped website. You can find everything from meet-the-teacher dates to parent handbooks and orientation information. Each school will also send school-specific materials home to families.
In the GMW Back-to-School guide, we’ve collected the essential information for the entire district all in one place. We’ve got phone numbers, dates, and as much information as possible that we hope you’ll keep this page bookmarked for easy reference.
We’ll continue to update this guide as needed–and welcome any suggestions or additional information we may have overlooked. [Readers can always contact GMW by email.]
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