Head out into the galaxy with KOTOR's best weapons.
In Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, your journey across the galaxy will task you with finding solutions for a universe of problems. Jedi mind tricks will only get you so far, as many situations demand aggressive negotiation techniques. Luckily, you will have the assistance of your loyal companions as you fight your way through droids, Dark Jedi, and more.
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However, no one weapon will be perfect for any adversary, as Jango Fett discovered the hard way. You will need to outfit your party with a mixture of long-range and melee options to tackle your enemies from Tatooine to Nar Shaddaa. Whether you prefer a gun-slinging smuggler or a Jedi Knight, these weapons will be some of the best you can find in a galaxy far, far away.
The Zersium Rifle is an excellent blaster that stands out among its peers. Boasting a max range of 28 meters and a strong damage range of 3-25, this gun will tear through most enemies with powerful energy blasts. In addition to strong base damage, the rifle has a respectable 19-20 x2 Critical Range.
As KOTOR operates on a d20 system, you have approximately a ten percent chance to deal twice as much damage, also known as a Critical Hit. It also comes with a +1 Attack Modifier (increasing your chance of hitting) while also still being fully upgradeable, making this an excellent choice for any ranged character.
This Wookie relic can be received as a reward for completing one of the game's best sidequests, A Chieftain In Need. While the way you receive the sword depends on your choice of Light or Dark Side, the blade itself will be a fine addition to your collection.
Bacca's Ceremonial Blade has a damage range of 4-14 with an additional +4 Energy Damage, as well as a +2 Attack Modifier. Despite its unique quality, it's also upgradeable, with the potential to add +2-12 Bludgeoning damage range against droids, making Bacca's Blade a great option against organics and synthetics alike.
While Cassus may be less famous than his descendants, Boba and Jango, his weaponry still packs quite an infamous punch. Despite a fairly tame 4-11 Energy damage, and a critical range of 20-20 (meaning only a perfect roll will result in a Critical Hit), Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol stands out due to its powerful secondary effects.
On hit, Fett's Pistol has a 25 percent chance to stun for six seconds, and with an Attack Modifier of +3, you will rarely be missing your shots so long as you stay within the gun's 23-meter range. The base damage can be upgraded to a much more potent 6-19, and can also expand its critical range to 19-20 making for an excellent pistol that any dual blaster user will love.
One of the ancient Sith buried in the Valley of The Dark Lords on Korriban, Ajunta Pall's ghost guards his most prized possession: Ajunta Pall's Blade. The sword is famed for being as twisted and corrupted as its former master, and offers a unique fire damage effect rarely seen on any other weapons.
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In addition to +2 fire damage, Pall's Blade has a 5-15 damage range and an Attack Modifier of +5. Add in the Balanced trait, which reduces the penalty for wielding this in your off-hand, and you have a very reliable sword for slashing through enemies.
At first glance, Charric doesn't seem like anything special, with a 1-10 Unstoppable damage range. However, Charric is a disruptor rifle, which can knock down opponents on hit with a Difficulty Class (DC) of 14, meaning enemies only have about a 35 percent chance of avoiding it.
This exceedingly rare disruptor rifle also has 28 meters of range, an 18-20 Critical Range, and a +4 Attack Modifier to ensure you're getting as many knockdown chances as possible. Note that KOTOR 2 uses random drop rewards, so your only chances to acquire this weapon are from Saquesh or Fassa on Nar Shaddaa, or from Margar on Onderon.
As the rarer, heavier version of the already scarce Baragwin Assault Gun, the Heavy Repeating Blaster offers superior range, damage, and upgrades to its common version. Keep an eye on Savum Tan's store on the Yavin 4 Station DLC, as this weapon may not always be in his inventory. It will only appear after you discover the final Star Map.
This repeater's base Energy damage range of 3-22 can be improved to include an additional 4-24 Fire damage and an extremely useful +3 Attack Modifier. Even durasteel plating is no match for the Fire damage, as this Heavy Repeater will shred through non-shielded enemies in seconds. The rate of fire for Repeaters is not listed in its stats, but this weapon will be firing several shots per turn.
While you first see Freyyr wield his Warblade during the events on Kashyyyk in KOTOR 1, you cannot own it until KOTOR 2, when you either find it in the Mandalorian Ruins on Dxun, or as a random drop from Fassa (he has a chance to drop many rare items). This one-handed sword deals massive 5-32 damage, comes with a +1 Attack Modifier, and also possesses the Balanced trait.
Due to its powerful base stats, this sword is unfortunately not upgradeable, but comes with a 19-20 Critical Range to maintain the high DPS without requiring additional improvements. If you are running a melee build, make sure you visit Dxun early, as this will be a top-tier choice for your whole playthrough.
The Verpine Droid Disintegrator offers no exaggeration as this is the best anti-droid weapon available, and it's not even close. Outfitted with a base Ion (strong against droids) damage range of 4-22, and an additional 3-30 Ion damage against droids, there is simply no equal to the Verpine Disintegrator.
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Any droid in your path will be swept aside as you rarely miss with the +1 Attack Modifier that comes standard, and you can also upgrade the scope and chamber for this weapon to help improve your accuracy. While you need a perfect 20 to roll a Critical, it does three times the damage, while most other weapons only come with standard double damage.
This ancient Sith Lightsaber can only be acquired from Freedon Nadd's tomb after you repel the Sith invading it near the end of KOTOR 2, but it is well worth the wait. Nadd's Short Lightsaber starts with a 3-24 damage range – a noticeable increase from the standard 2-16 Short Lightsabers typically have.
However, this powerful Sith relic also has a Knockdown DC 14 – much like Charric's – every time you hit an enemy, in addition to a +2 Attack Modifier to ensure most of your attacks land. Enemies will struggle to fight back as this balanced Saber excels when combined with a DPS-focused strong-hand melee weapon or Lightsaber, making it the most versatile off-hand weapon in the series.
This unique Gamorrean War Ax deals serious damage, with a massive 3-36 damage range and a 25 percent chance to stun DC 18, giving foes only a 15 percent chance to save the stun. However, this is balanced out by a -5 Attack Modifier, meaning you will need to build around having a high chance to hit in order to make this work.
Despite being un-upgradeable, Arg'Garok's base stats are strong enough to dispatch any beast, including the very jealous Gamorreans who spot you with it. Unsurprisingly, this weapon can also drop from Fassa on Nar Shaddaa or Margar on Onderon if you don't find it in the Mandalorian Ruins first. Those three locations are important sources of high-tier loot, so check them out if you want to wield some of the strongest gear available.
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Andrew is a writer for The Gamer currently based in sunny LA after previously studying Screenwriting at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. He has previously worked with Games for Change, promoting games for social impact. He is a massive fan of Pokemon and loves cooking, but not both together.