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2022-08-08 11:10:34 By : Ms. Jacy Chen

Here’s all the items and secrets you can find on Fallen Order’s biggest planet

In this Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order guide, we’ll show you how and where to find every chest and secret location on Zeffo’s map.

You won’t be able to access every area, open every chest, or reach every secret on your first trip to Fallen Order’s planets. Exploration, leveling up, and backtracking with your new skills are part of the design.

We’ve organized our collectibles guides based on the powers and abilities that you need to access chests and secrets. The first section below covers your first visit. Subsequent sections cover return trips, when you can reach once unreachable items.

After you finish your first run on Bogano, take your new wall run ability to Zeffo. With the wall run, you’ll be able to pick up quite a few items.

There are three chests in the Abandoned Village. You can get two now.

When you first enter the Abandoned Village, fight through until you reach the rooftops. The first chest is near the cliffside door. Open it to pick up the Guardian outfit material.

Climb around the Abandoned Village rooftops until you reach the two stormtroopers standing near a short pipe. The chest is to your right. Open it to pick up the Duty and Resolve lightsaber sleeve.

There are three chests and one secret here. You can get all three chests and the secret now.

The first chest here is tough to miss. As you enter the Auger Pulverizers, look to the corner of the walkway to find the chest. Open it to get the Duty and Resolve lightsaber switch.

As you’re running through the Auger Pulverizers hallway, stop at the first one. Instead of slowing it and running past, wait until it retreats farther back. Slow it, and quickly run down the path. There’s a secret spot here with a chest inside. Grab it to earn the Durasteel lightsaber material, and use slow again to get out.

At the end of the Auger Pulverizers section — when you’re just above the Jedi temple on the map — look out to the sky and you’ll see the third chest next to the railing. Open it to pick up the Starfighter Mantis paint job.

You can technically get this now, although we recommend you wait until you have the Jedi flip. When you exit the tunnel with all the slowed pulverizers, look left and you’ll see a bunch of poles sticking out of the ground.

Walk up to them and look down to see a pulverizer. Slow it and jump down onto it. While it’s slowed, slow the one next to it. Sprint and jump at the last moment to reach the next pulverizer, then do it again. This is much safer with the Jedi flip, as the distance between the pulverizers is barely jumpable by default. If you make it to the end, you can grab a life essence secret.

There are three chests and one secret in the Derelict Hangar. You can get all of them with wall run.

As soon as you get off the Mantis on Zeffo, walk forward and into the small Derelict Hangar. There’s a chest in here. Open it to get the Blue Leader BD-1 skin.

When you’ve taken the right path in the Derelict Hanger and ended up on the roof of the hangar, keep going until you drop down and unlock the door. Keep moving forward, through the door and away from the Mantis. Make a U-turn and climb up to the small overhang to find another chest. Open it to earn the Duty and Resolve lightsaber emitter.

Inside the Hanger, near the Mantis and just on the other side of the village’s door, you’ll see a chest sitting against the wall. Open it and grab the Bravo poncho material.

Turn to the right from the Mantis. Follow the path until you reach the clearing with two scazz fighting over a dead stormtrooper. From that clearing, turn left, and keep following the path. You’ll fight a few more scazz in another clearing. Look for a cave that leads into the cliff on your right.

Using your lightsaber to light your way, follow the path on your left around the room as you platform your way up to the yellow chest. Open it for the stim upgrade.

There’s one secret here, and you can grab it now.

During the first round of fans, slow the fan so you can reach the highest bluff. (If you look closely, there’s a meditation circle here.)

Instead of dropping down, take the path right and up into another fan puzzle. Slow them just like last time, and you’ll find some secret tunnels leading to a life essence.

There’s one chest in the Turbine Facility, and you can grab it now.

The Turbine Facility is a small, dark area after the Abandoned Village. Make your way to the left to turn the lights on, and then go right to the center platform. There’s a chest here. Grab it to pick up the Copper lightsaber material.

There are four chests here, and you can get one.

After the rapid-fire cannon trooper in the Weathered Monument, keep going up the hill and the Imperial cliff. There’s a big rock to your right and a pipe leading under some canisters to your left. Walk around the rock to your right to find a hidden chest. Open it to earn the Elemental Nature 2 lightsaber sleeve.

There are two chests here, and you can get one at the moment.

Before you enter the tomb, look to the right of the Windswept Ruins for a small cave. There’s a chest inside. Open it to get the Dusty and Resolve 2 lightsaber sleeve.

Zeffo really opens up for after you pick up Force push and the scomp link. You’ll need Force push to get the scomp link from Weathered Monument before you continue exploring to collect the following.

There are three chests in the Abandoned Village, and you can get the final one now.

Stay on the ground of the Abandoned Village and approach the large group of Stormtroopers. Kill them, and use your new Force push to create a bridge over to the chest. Use the scomp link to open it. Inside you’ll find the Durite lightsaber material.

There’s one chest here, and you can get it after you unleash the wind from the Zeffo tomb.

In the Ancient Catacombs, you’ll find a single, hard-to-miss wind tunnel shooting straight up. Jump into it, and you’ll land next to a chest containing the Charisma paint job for the Mantis.

There are eight chests and one secret here, and you can get two chests now.

In the Crash Site, swim over to the left island. Climb up to the platforms and use wall run to reach this chest on the right side. Open it to earn the Hyper Shell poncho material.

Go under the center Crash Site wreckage scomp link on the big island. There’s a chest near the cliff face. Use the scomp link to open the chest and earn the BD-1 Swoop skin.

There are four chests here and one secret. You can get all four chests now.

The first two chests come at the end of the Ice Caves. Follow the path to unlock all of the elevators, and you’ll come up to an imperial door near your old meditation spot. There are two chests here. Open them both to earn the Cerakote lightsaber material and the Bestine BD-1 skin.

Across the way from the Ice Cave’s great chasm, just under the meditation zone, you’ll find a small cave with the third chest in it. Open it to pick up the Wayfarer poncho material.

In the Ice Caves, find the spinning blade platforms and jump across them. You’ll run into some stormtroopers guarding the elevator. Kill them and look to your right. On the edge of the cliff, you’ll see a locked chest. Use BD-1’s scomp link to unlock it and pick up the Arcetron lightsaber material.

There are three chests and one secret here. With Force push, you can get two chests and both secrets.

Just after you get Force push in the Tomb of Eilram and shove the blocks down the hall, push the final block out into a small area. Push the block to the left and climb up on the small bluff. Open the chest here to get the Silvian Iron lightsaber material.

In the main area with the Tomb of Eilram’s raised platforms, take the slide down and grab the rope. Instead of jumping forward like you’re supposed to, turn to the left to see another rope. Grab it and jump to the new platform. There’s another chest here. Open it to pick up the Outlander poncho material.

When you’re trying to get out of the tomb by solving the wind and ball puzzle, there’s a platform near the Guardian and behind the lowest (third) socket. You need to be on that when it lifts up.

Stand behind the socket in the U-bend area — opposite where the Guardian was standing. Give the ball in the socket a gentle push (a quick tap of the trigger) to roll it away from the bottom of the socket, but not all the way out. You’ll have to do this several times to get the pillar all the way down. Climb onto the pillar, and ride it up when the ball rolls back down. (You can see this all in the video above.)

Turn around at the top for the chest to get the Balmgrass skin for BD-1.

During the tomb, you’ll get stuck in a room with a ball rolling around in a square. Solve the puzzle by using both wind blasts on the side to balance the ball between them, and then turn on the jet in the back of the room to push the ball into the socket. This will lower the floor, and reveal a Force essence upgrade.

After you’ve obtained Force push, go back to the long, broken hall to find a Force essence hidden inside the cave wall. Push the bomb into the wall to open it.

There are four chests here, and you can get the rest of them now.

After you get the scomp link, climb to the top of the Imperial machine in the Weathered Monument and use slow to create a platform to jump on. Instead of jumping forward toward the Stormtrooper, jump left to find a chest. Open it to get the Occulation paint job for the Mantis.

With the scomp link, walk outside the Imperial area of the Weathered Monument to the door that you Force pushed open. Turn left and drop down to find a locked door. Use BD-1’s scomp link to open it and grab the chest inside. Open it for the Duty and Resolve 2 lightsaber switch.

Follow the Weathered Monument path toward the tomb. You’ll enter a grassy area like you did before, but this time, go down the slope to find a locked chest. Open it with the scomp link to get the Mercenary skin for the Mantis.

There are two chests here, and you can get the final one now.

At the entrance of the tomb, there’s a chest on the upper right bridge. Now that the wind tunnels are active, climb up to your left. Open the chest when you reach the top to earn the Osmiridium lightsaber material.

There are four chests and three secrets here. You can get one secret for now.

Climb the Venator wreckage in the Crash Site, and follow the left path through a giant tube. You can’t go any farther here for now, but you can find a life essence upgrade.

After you get BD-1’s Overcharge upgrade on Kashyyyk, the Force pull upgrade from the Tomb of Miktrull, and the powered zipline upgrade from the Imperial Dig Site, a lot of new areas open for you to explore. Head back into Zeffo’s open world for a ton of chests and secrets.

There’s one chest and one secret here, and you can get the secret now.

With BD-1’s overcharge, make your way to the Crash Site and the leftmost island. Climb up onto the structure and up to the electrical panel. Use overcharge to lower the barrier and squeeze through the crack.

Follow the path, turning the electricity on and off, and cutting any wires you see to stop the flow of electricity. When you reach the end of the Broken Wing, head up the elevator and grab the Force essence. Turn on the power and leave.

There are eight chests and one secret here. You can get the secret now.

At the Crash Site, look for a crashed fighter to the right of the lake you initially jump into. There’s a rope here, leading up to a small opening. Climb up and use BD-1 to overcharge the panel. Three pulverizers will start. Time your use of slow to stop the pulverizers and climb to the top. Grab the life essence secret.

There are four chests and one secret here. Now you can get the secret and finish the Ice Caves.

You will need at least the Jedi flip and Force pull abilities to retrieve this canister. If you have the powered zipline, you can approach from a different, easier direction.

There are two ways to reach this canister. One is much easier than the other.

Starting from the Imperial Dig Site, look for the meditation circle closest to the Ice Caves. From there, keep to the left. There’s a zipline heading up to the Ice Caves, but you can’t just jump to it. Instead, look for a rope to Force pull to you along the left side of the canyon.

Pull the rope, and then swing out to the updraft. If you’re lucky, the updraft should carry you to the zipline, and you’ll ride it the rest of the way up. If your aim is off, just a double jump at the top of the updraft to correct your flight, and land on the zipline.

At the top, follow the path up and around. This stim canister will be on your left. (From here, you can Force pull the hanging vines to return to the Ice Caves’ main room.)

In the Ice Caves, fight the jotaz on the platform to the left of the meditation circle. Cross the platform (to the left of the spinning platforms), and look for a pair of hanging vines. Sprint to the edge of the platform, and Jedi flip toward the vine. Force pull the vine to yourself. This is going to take some careful timing (and multiple tries). Swing over to the second vine, and you’ll land next to the stim canister upgrade.

There are two chests here, and you can get both now.

Go to the giant launch pad in the Imperial Headquarters. Turn left and follow the path, opening any overcharge doors you find and crossing the great vine chasm with Force pull. When you reach a floating island with a large structure in the middle, go around to the back and grab this chest to get the Serape poncho material.

From the giant launch pad in the Imperial Headquarters, turn left and follow the path. When you reach the section where you need to jump up and slow the fan, do so. Instead of turning right into the Stormtroopers, turn left and use Force pull to yank the bridge off the wall. Platform up and grab the chest to get the Aurodium lightsaber material.

There are four chests and two secrets here. You can get all of them now.

In the Tomb of Miktrull’s main room — where the glass orb hangs in the middle — jump to the wall of lanterns. Take a left and follow the path to a small alcove, where you’ll find this chest and get the Haysian Smelt lightsaber material.

Before the giant ice slide in the Tomb of Miktrull, look across the chasm to see some vines stuck in the ceiling. Use Force pull to grab them and swing over to this small cave.

Clear out the enemies in the main area and the small room to the right. Come back and Force pull a lantern off the wall. Aim into the sky, where you can see a carved mouth. Shoot the lantern in there to clear a path for yourself. Walk through the open hallway to grab this chest to pick up the Zodiac Drifter Mantis paint job.

Toward the start of the Tomb of Miktrull, there’s a long bridge with a broken door on the end and a Guardian nearby. Walk out onto the bridge, defeat the Guardian, use BD-1’s scomp link to hack the crate, and open it for the Greezy Money Mantis paint job.

This is one of the trickiest chests in the game.

Jump up to the second floor of the main room in the Tomb of Miktrull. Pull a lantern off the wall and hold it. Walk onto the giant ice slide and while holding the lantern. (You may need to quickly Force pull again if it slips out of your hands.)

Ride down the slide, and defeat the enemies below.

With your lantern, look up and to your left. There’s a giant vine structure here that you need to burn. Stand near the edge and hurl your lantern. It may take a few tries for it to catch (you can quickly grab the lantern out of mid air if it bounces off), but it’ll eventually burn.

Make your way back up to the main room and to where the vines previously blocked the chest. Open it to get the Sumi BD-1 skin.

On your way into the Tomb of Miktrull, you’ll find a giant revolving room and magnet walls that go in and out of a central rock. Go along the clock-like structure until you reach the back side. Turn around, and you’ll see a wall with a secret behind it. There’s a plant bomb nearby, so stand behind it and Force push the bomb into the wall. Pick up the life essence.

On the bottom floor of the main room, there’s a door to the right of the lantern wall. Grab a lantern and go inside. Before you do anything else, take the lantern, look above the gate, and chuck it through the hole. Then Force pull the rope and attach it to the anchor. Kill the goat on the other side, walk through, and grab the lantern. Throw it at the roots, and climb up to get more Force essence.

After you go to Kashyyyk for the second time and pick up the underwater breather and Jedi flip ability, you’ll be able to pick up the rest of the Zeffo chests.

There’s one chest and one secret in Broken Wing. You can get the chest and finish the zone now.

Find the location where you need to jump up and grab a pipe overhead. Instead of shimmying over to the other side, drop into the water and dive under the platform. There’s a chest here. Grab it to pick up some Orichalc lightsaber material.

There are eight chests here in total and six that you can get now. All of them are in the water.

Jump in the water and swim all the way to the far right side of the area. There’s a chest hanging out in the sun under the water, so swim down and grab it to get the Polished Bronzium lightsaber material.

Behind the Venator Wreckage entrance — the island near the back — there’s a dark underwater area. Swim down to find a chest against the wall to pick up the Elemental Nature lightsaber emitter.

Just past the far left island, swim down and look to the corner area to find a cave. Go inside and grab the chest to pick up the Elemental Nature lightsaber switch.

Swim to the center island — the big disk. Dive into the water, and look for an entrance to small path in the island. On the left side entrance, there’s a chest. Open it for the Fjord poncho material.

Swim to the right side of the center island. Look for the entrance into the semi-circle path. To your left, there’s a chest with the Grungio BD-1 skin inside.

Under the ramp where you first leap into the water of the Crash Site, turn around and you’ll see a small cave. Swim in to pick up a chest with the Elemental Nature lightsaber sleeve.

There’s one secret in here, and you can grab it now.

This one is tricky. Make your way to the long bridge with the probe droids and the elevator that goes up to the Imperial Headquarters. Look for a steep zipline along the right side of the bridge that heads up, and jump on.

Hit the dodge button a second before you reach the top, and use you Jedi flip to land on the edge of the platform. Look to your left, and cross the pipe. Force push the wall to reveal a secret room. There’s a stim canister upgrade inside.

There are four chests and one secret in here. You can get all of them now.

In the final room of the Venator Wreckage, before you go outside, look to the back corner and use scomp link to open this chest to get the Starfighter poncho material.

In the final Venator Wreckage room, look too the back left and use scomp link to open the chest and get the Chromium lightsaber material.

In the final room of the Venator Wreckage, look to the back of the room and use scomp link to open the chest and pick up the Cantonica BD-1 skin.

Before you start climbing up the Venator, swim around the back of the wreckage. Look for a small opening in the wall. Climb in and grab the Elemental Nature 2 lightsaber switch from the chest inside.

On your way up in the Venator Wreckage, you’ll reach a high point with a long vine swing across a chasm. Instead of swinging across, grab the vine and swing left. Jump up to the small opening and grab some Force essence.

After you reach the final room of the Venator Wreckage, go outside and turn left. There’s a stim canister sitting on the edge of a rock.

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